An EPITECH project constiting of recreating a fully fonctional Shell program made in C with 4 of my friends.

This project lasted over 5 months and was the most challenging and ambitious project i've ever done.

Despite having less than a year of experience in C and in team work (because school team projects are not really their priority), my team and I managed to create an entire terminal, that is almost fully fonctional. The only features missing are the arrow navigation and history up-arrow.
It was the most technically challenging programation i have ever performed and these features made me quickly catch up to every problems i still had in the C language before this project.

It was this experience that clearly gave me the love and thrill of programming. I'm really proud of this project because a teammate and I brought new features to implement in the main program (cd, echo, env functions, and more !! Contact me if you have questions !).
And so we were totally free to recreate these features as we wanted. Great project !

An RPG like indie-game programmed in C with CSFML library as my final first-year project at EPITECH

This indie game with a story based on our lovely school EPITECH Strasbourg was made in only 1 month with the C graphical library CSFML. Fastidious project to manage but we are very proud of the game we proceeded to create. I was tasked to create the main architecture of the game, implementing the technical foundation for the game to even have a story. I've entirely created a custom map built like our school and made the fight versus our school director ?! So long story short, you are a new comer in the school, but it has been a nightmare since our director became a totalitarism ! The goal of the game is to dethrone him for the place he doesn't belong to, by searching for answers across the map and eventually fighting him !!!

The site i made for my parents restaurant.

les p'tits
In coming !

A website i made for my artistic mother as a gift to give her credit for her beautiful work

In coming !

A C project i've made as a rectreation of Conway's famous cellular automaton called "Life"

game of life
Vous savez, moi je ne crois pas qu'il y ait de bonnes ou de mauvaises situations Moi si je devais résumer ma vie, aujourd'hui, avec vous, je dirais que c'est d'abord des rencontres, des gens qui m'ont tendu la main, peut-être à un moment où je ne pouvais pas, où j'étais seul chez moi et c'est assez curieux de se dire que les hasards, les rencontres forgent une destinée, parce que quand on a le goût de la chose, quand on a le goût de la chose bien faite, le beau geste, parfois on ne trouve pas l'interlocuteur en face, je dirais le miroir qui vous aide à avancer; alors ce n'est pas mon cas comme je le disais là, puisque moi au contraire j'ai pu et je dis merci à la vie, je lui dis merci, je chante la vie, je danse la vie, je ne suis qu'amour, et finalement quand beaucoup de gens aujourd'hui me disent : Mais comment fais-tu pour avoir cette humanité ? Et bah je leur réponds très simplement, je leur dis : c'est ce goût de l'amour, ce goût donc qui m'a poussé, aujourd'hui, à entreprendre une construction mécanique mais demain, qui sait, peut-être, simplement à me mettre au service de la communauté, à faire le don, le don de soi...

This PortFolio ! Yeah, it's actually my first web project and the one that made me fall in love with UI development.

my portfolio
As a first HTML / (S)css / js project, i didn't expected much of the final outcome, but that was a use misconception from me.
It actually teached me every html / css bases i needed to make any vitrine site. I loved it so much that now i want to create a website for my parents that are coming soon !